Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Forehead plate and mystery bracket

I've printed, sanded and assembled the forehead plate and bracket.

I was thinking that I should replace the dummy clamps on the bracket with holes through the bracket and plate that you put a steel wire through. Originally I suspect the bracket was simply stapled on to the plate this way. Perhaps the original plate was made of cardboard or soft plastic you can staple through?

These printed ones turned out looking pretty good and if I glue them in place they probaly won't come off.

Then again, nothing beats doing it the same way the originals were made, I'll have to think some more about this.

Monday, 29 October 2018

More parts printed

Now that my printer is working fully again I printed more parts.

I sanded and assembled these, then I added them to the Ear piece.

Of course I won't print the last insert as the ear piece and that part also will need to be changed for more of a curve to it.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Ear piece printed with minor issues

The print quality

I printed the ear piece body, but my printer had developed a minor fault causing a pitted and incomplete effect called "pillowing".

This was due to a power cable getting bent near the connector during printing and it's a well known issue that the manufacturer solved almost two years ago with a replacment housing.
I should have taken preventive measures against it long before this, I was simply being lazy.
Anyway, it's fixed now as you'll see in my upcoming posts, my printer is again perfect.

Luckily the model was still useable to test fit on the helmet as well as the inserts I've printed previously and it looks better than I expected for a first print.
Bear in mind that I don't havd a 3D-scanner (the good ones are still prohibitively expensive), I just use photos and measures to make a dummy model of the helmet that's far from exact.

The part fit on the helmet

I made screw holes in the helmet and screwed the ear piece in place with M3 screws, nuts and washers. The screw positions are covered by the bolt head plugs.

As often is the case it's not the things you think that actually go wrong. I put a lot of thinking and effort into the fit of the ear piece toward the rubber edge of the visor. This fit was spot on as seen in the photos.
The thing I got wrong was the angle and flatness of the
 helmet at the back where the L bottom of the ear piece meets it.

The gap is visible in the photo above and well as from the under side seen below.

I'll curve the L bottom of the CAD model in further to meet the helmet this week and then re-print it next weekend (it's a 3 day print).

After analyzing the problem with the printer, fixing it and planning the changes to the 3D model I played around with making some mockup photos with the chin light and the rubber bellow.

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Ear piece inserts printed

I've printed and sanded some of the ear piece insert blocks and their details

M8 screw to hold the printed nut and real steel rivets turned out to be a perfect fit when my printed rivets came out as a failed print. ;)

Screencap comparison

Assembled parts, except the nut because I couldn't find my thread tools.
I guess I'll just thread it at work during my lunch break tomorrow.

The leftover holes in the big block is for the "Mystery clamp" (plausible old camera mount).

Comparing with the screencap of the panels it does seem I made them too tall. The screencap isn't the greatest and may be angled more than is apparent but regardless I may have to rethink some positioning and dimensions.

As I've noticed on my Gunstick project as well as this one these things are hard to spot until you have physical parts to compare with.

Mysteriously looking at another screencap my panels look to be just right. I need to look further into this.

Here's the nut threaded and mounted on the insert.