Monday 24 September 2018

Chin light assembly with battery loom

Today I cut out the lens and mounted it in the Chin light Body.

Then I added the led collars and leds to the Chin light Core insert.

I inserted the core in the body. seemed to be a very nice fit, though it's not gripping which I most prefer. I may adjust the measures of the parts for that.

Then I tested the leds with a 9v battery.

Note the blue light?
This is also seen in screenshots from the series, as shown in several images I've posted earlier, thoguh these LEDs are brighter and I might need to use a weaker battery for them to get the exact same results. This is 9v leds powered with a proper 9v, I can power them with a pair of 1,5v instead to make them less bright. 
Note that the blue light from these lenses are only visibly blue in photos, it looks white to the naked eye. But when my helmet's done people taking photos of it at Cons will get the same blue as seen in the series which is cool. :)

I won't repost photos of the chin light on the helmets in the show, it's been done. Just check on earlier posts if you want to compare.
I could just wire this up in the helmet at this point, but I wanted the chin light to be replaceable and easy to install on the helmet so I took the extra time to make a cable and male/ female two part connector and battery loom for it.

For that professional look ;)  and also this makes for a better interchangeable assembly where i could even make spare parts of the chin light unit or battery pack to swap at Cons if needed.

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